The Remote Work Revolution: Reimagining the Employee Experience

“There’s a reason why employee experience is top of mind for leaders this year: an overwhelming majority agree that a better employee experience and service – and the myriad of factors that go into creating those experiences – drive better business outcomes, such as customer retention and higher workplace productivity” - Zendesk.

For several compelling reasons, Employee Experience (EX) is becoming a strategic imperative for business leaders. It isn’t just about perks and freebies! EX is a way for businesses to thrive in a competitive and dynamic environment. So, how can you build a positive workplace culture that drives performance, innovation, and long-term success by investing in your employees? 

Step 1: Focus On Talent

In a competitive market, positive EX is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent. Businesses with strong reputations for employee well-being are more likely to attract skilled workers and reduce turnover costs. Giving employees the right tools to excel in their roles is a critical starting point if you’re looking to enhance EX. Forbes believes that providing employees with good tools and equipment and setting them up to work in a comfortable environment can help them harness their energy, increase their focus, and achieve the performance they desire. 

The SaaSy People have implemented and optimised to improve EX for numerous businesses. Whether you’re looking to allow space for cross-team collaboration, innovation or looking to enhance employee development, we have provided businesses with the optimal monday set-up to meet the needs of their EX goals. Popular use cases include:

  • Onboarding: Create custom onboarding workflows to guide new hires through paperwork, introductions, training, and feedback collection.
  • Goal Setting: Set, track, and review employee goals in a transparent and collaborative way.
  • Training & Development: Plan, track, and evaluate employee training programs, ensuring everyone has the skills they need to succeed.

If you’d like to learn more about how can drive EX, click here.

Step 2: Driving Engagement & Productivity

“Building and sustaining a healthy, welcoming culture is non-negotiable for enduring businesses, but culture alone isn’t enough to drive lasting success that optimises both EX and CX. If leaders want their employees to provide the best possible experience for the customer, they must thread the needle between expecting accountability and offering support when needed.” - Forbes

Employees who feel valued, supported, and engaged in their work are more likely to be productive, innovative, and committed to the company's goals. A positive employee experience fosters a sense of loyalty and motivation, leading to better performance. Successfully implementing AI can have a vast impact on overall EX. AI solutions allow employees time to focus on the most meaningful work, allowing the day-to-day repetitive tasks and queries to be taken care of. SaaSy has successfully implemented AI solutions for businesses looking to drive EX, focusing on employee engagement. Zendesk's latest EX Trends 2024 reports that 80% of respondents agreed that enhanced self-service tools significantly improved productivity and job satisfaction. Use cases of utilising Zendesk as an internal tool  include:

  • Unified Support: Zendesk acts as a single point of contact for employees to seek help, whether it's related to IT, HR, facilities, or other internal departments.
  • Community Forums: Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among employees by creating internal forums for discussions and problem-solving.
  • Knowledge Base: Create a comprehensive internal knowledge base with articles, FAQs, and guides to empower employees to find solutions independently.

If you’re looking to utilise AI to drive EX, click here.

Step 3: EX To Drive CX

“Given changing dynamics in the labour force and all the ways technology makes it possible for companies, employees, and customers to be connected, it’s time for leaders to double down on the idea that EX is now the key driver of CX and to find smarter, strategic ways of connecting the two.” - Harvard Business Review.

By investing in EX, companies can create a virtuous cycle where happy employees lead to satisfied customers, generating more revenue and loyalty. This connection between EX and CX is critical for success in today's competitive business landscape.

  • Innovation: Engaged employees are more likely to contribute innovative ideas and solutions to meet customer needs.
  • Customer Perception: Employees who feel valued and supported are more likely to provide excellent customer service, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Positive Attitude: Happy and satisfied employees are likelier to exhibit positive customer attitudes and behaviours.

Happy employees tend to provide better customer service, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. The SaaSy People strive to create solutions to optimise EX. Whether implementing centralised internal helpdesks or creating workspaces to foster innovation and collaboration, SaaSy is here to help drive EX and CX. 

The Takeaway…

Enhanced EX is not just about making employees happy; it's a strategic investment that can yield significant benefits for your company and customers. Engaged employees are more likely to embrace new initiatives, contribute to innovation, and drive business results.